Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On the Road to Emmaus

Two Kenyan men came by the booth today, laughing as they approached.

“You are Catholic?!” they asked me.

I replied yes, and asked what they thought about that.

“Well, how can you be Catholic if you say abstinence has a high failure rate?” said one.

“Yes, if you say sex is sacred, it must be within marriage, correct?” said the other.

I responded that while we do not deny abstinence to anyone (it does work!), many people find that abstinence does not work for them. And if that occurs, we want them to be safe, protect themselves and their partner, and use a condom. We also believe that sex can be sacred both inside and out of marriage.

“Oh! I get it! Abstain, but if you are not perfect, use a condom. I agree!”

They proceeded to gather tons of CFC materials, thanking me for our presence.

Yet another conversion (of sorts) here at the IAC 2008.


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